Jungle Book Activities Page

Shere Khan the tiger with Baloo the bear

Word Search - how many words connected to Jungle Book can you find?

a word search activity about Jungle Book

Can you remember the Jungle Book characters’ names?

Click on the buttons below to see if you are right.

You can try copying these pictures and colouring them in!

Or why not draw your own pictures?


Shhh… here are the answers below !

Help Mowgli find the honey.. Follow the path with your finger..

A drawing of Mowgli a little boy and several wiggly lines. One of the lines leads to a pot of honey with a bee on it.

Make a Kaa the snake finger puppet..

Kaa the Snake finger puppet


And here’s how to make a monkey finger puppet

Send us photos of your pictures, finger puppets and colouring - we love to see them! We’ll post them on our Instagram story when we can! You can email them to us: info@jellyfishtheatre.com